I've been reflecting on these past few weeks, and I am so happy! It was a fantastic month, with lots of great things in it:
Plus, throughout the month I've been refining my goals, sparking my creativity with some new projects, continuing to do good work in my acting class, and making some solid plans for the future. And -- the future is now! June begins today, and I'm so pumped! I'm recharged, prepped, and ready for action. So here's to a Jovial, Jazzy, June! --Kim :)
Yes, it's been a while. I can't wait to share with you my journey, successes, challenges, and, yes, even failures.
Happy to return to the Chain NYC Film Festival this year! Last year "Find Love, NYC" screened -- now it's "Tri-State"!
Our screening is at 2:30PM on this upcoming Saturday the 8th -- join us! Get tickets at http://www.chainfilmfestival.com/. --Kimberly ![]() A few months ago, I wrote about Reaffirming My Passion for acting, dismissing the idea of pursuing directing. How things change so very quickly! Over the past couple months, it has become clear to me that PRODUCING is my new path. Little things stood out like... ...really enjoying working on such "boring" things as contracts and expense reports. ...popping The Film Method podcasts into my playlist like an addict... ...wanting to work anywhere and anyhow I can -- even for free. So, over the next few months you'll see this site transform from an acting-specific site to a more broad filmmaker hub. It'll include my production resume, blog posts will shift focus, and pictures and other info will change. I'm still open to acting, though! Ha, seriously if someone wants to work with me I am all for it! :) Thanks for all the support, and I hope you'll continue to follow my efforts in this new direction. I am so excited for the future. :) --Kimberly My high school drama experience immensely shaped me as both an artist and a human being. I had two amazing teachers who encouraged me to grow and they gave me wonderful creative opportunities.
Starting today for the next two and a half weeks, I'll be the Production Coordinator on the indie feature film, "Landing UP." I'm super-excited to learn and grow from this experience.
On Monday night, John Olson and I had a read-thru of the first draft of our short film, "Kitsch" (tentatively titled). Sitting around in a group of talented people, reading and hearing the story out loud, was an incredible experience.
And then we hit a conundrum. Our script ran about 45-60 minutes. Definitely not the length of a short film! So we had to decide...do we cut this to make it a short, like originally desired, or do we expand it to make a feature? After much discussion, John and I realized that we still had so much backstory and character elements that it would actually be super-easy to find extra material to add in. We also acknowledged that the story was calling to be a feature. So, we're writing a feature! I'm absolutely excited but also a bit nervous. Funding and development of a short film -- I can definitely do that. But a feature? New territory here! Can we get funding, how do we even think about distribution, festivals, etc? But honestly, it feels right, and I think I'm finally at a confidence level where I can take this on without more than growing pains as a result. Now, it's off to expanding, writing, and rewriting, rewriting, rewriting. And obviously the production span has extended from several months to a year or more. But, I'm immensely proud of it and I think we have a great story. The best part of the evening was when one of the actresses said that it resonated deeply with her, reminding her of her family relationships. Wow. We've really got something! Here we go! --Kimberly
Here it is -- my directorial (and screenwriting) debut! Enjoy! :)
![]() I turned another year older this past Saturday, and for the first time I feel like I am becomingly really comfortable in my own skin. 2015 has been the year of self-discovery, of listening to myself and getting more grounded. I don't feel older in the sense of aging...I just feel more mature. Who knows where these findings will lead, for myself and my career? I'm on a journey...let's see what happens next. “The more sand that has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it.” ― Jean-Paul Sartre --Kimberly ![]() With my recent adventure into directing, I began to muse if that was something I wanted to start pursuing. I borrowed an excellent book from my HCP cohort Matt, the filmmaker's eye by Gustavo Mercado, and delved into reading about shot types, Hitchcock's Rule of Thirds, and other such compositional treasures. I wondered what it would be like to be a director -- it seemed pretty cool. But then there was this eerie thing that started happening to me. I felt really down, and started eating a lot of comfort foods (ice cream galore!). I felt unmotivated to be productive, and I felt guilty. Then the other day, I had a spark of desire to pick out one of the many Shakespeare plays from my bookshelf. Hamlet. I spun through the pages, finally resting on a monologue: O, what a rogue and peasant slave am I! Is it not monstrous that this player here, But in a fiction, in a dream of passion, Could force his soul but to his own conceit.... The infamous Hecuba speech! The one where Hamlet marvels at the ability of this actor to be so moved by passion for an imaginary person, while he himself is so stuck when he has a real injustice to suffer for. It's this beautiful simultaneous respect and jealousy of the actor. I read it aloud, getting more and more empassioned myself, loving it. And it was then that I realized: Acting is definitely, without a doubt, for me. Directing may be fun to do once in a while, and who knows one day down the road I might indeed gravitate to it as I grow and change as a person... ...but right now, my heart and passion definitely still resides with acting. After that reaffirmation, my soul lifted, my mood improved, and my motivation returned. I love acting. I love everything about it, and even if this journey can be tough at times, it's worth it. This finding makes me think of another character's words from another infamous story: "If I ever go looking for my own heart's desire again, I won't look any further from my own backyard. Because if it isn't there, I never really lost it to begin with." --Dorothy, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, L. Frank Baum To mine and everyone's own backyards, --Kimberly |
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